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Access to HE (Higher Education) Diploma

Duration: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time 

An Access to Higher Education Diploma is a qualification which prepares people without traditional qualifications or people who have been out of education for some time with a pathway to study at university level. These courses give you a good foundation in the knowledge and skills required for going on to do a degree, so that you can feel confident and well prepared if you go on to higher education. 

There is no such thing as a typical Access to HE student. Our Access to HE Diplomas are taken by students of all ages and backgrounds. Access to HE courses are usually completed in one year. However, you can also study part-time, over two or more years. 

Access to HE courses are available in a range of different subjects, which are widely recognised by UK universities, many of which encourage applications from Access to HE students. These courses are also an excellent route into continuing to higher level study with Doncaster University Campus.  Click on one of the link below to find out more.   

Access to Higher Education Courses